Lone Worker Solutions

Better monitor the safety of your field workers

Watch over your most remote and isolated workers

Your people are your most valuable assets. Keep them safe – and your business compliant with regulations – by monitoring the location and status of field workers at all times. Of the 300,000 Canadians injured in the field each year, many work alone in harsh or remote environments1. Lone worker solutions from Bell keep them automatically connected to home base, providing immediate notification if an accident occurs.

How Bell can help keep your field workers safe

Enhanced safety

Easier compliance

Increased productivity

Our solution

Lone Worker

This automated work-alone safety monitoring system makes it easy for field workers to check in with home base using their smartphones. If they miss a check-in, the app sends an alert so immediate assistance can be dispatched.

Why Bell is better for business

World-class network

Canada’s largest LTE network2 helps your business stay connected to workers in even the most remote locations.
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Stronger signal

The vast majority of our cell towers are connected by fibre, providing remote workers with a more reliable network connection.
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More selection

Choose from a large lineup of smartphones and rugged devices along with accessories to make them even better.

End-to-end support

Our dedicated team of solution specialists apply a consultative approach to help select and quickly deploy the right worker safety solution for your business.

Recommended for you

Mobile devices

Choose from a large selection of the latest devices from leading manufacturers, including smartphones and rugged devices.


Keep your remote teams connected and broadcast time-critical information at the push of a button with Canada’s best Push-to-talk solution.

Learn more from your Bell representative.

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(1) https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-003-x/2006007/article/injuries-blessures/4149017-eng.htm
(2) Based on total square km of coverage on the shared LTE network available from Bell vs. Rogers’ LTE network. See bell.ca/LTE for details.