Alarm Panels

AlarmForce Keypad
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What happens when the power goes out?
What happens when the power goes out?
If the power goes out in your business, the alarm portion of your security system will continue to function on the backup battery for up to 24 hours. However, video devices will be offline as they do not have a battery backup.
What happens when the Internet goes out?
What happens when the Internet goes out?
The alarm portion of your security sensor does not rely on your business Internet and it will not be affected. If you have video devices, they will not be able to record events without the Internet. However, if you have a stream video recorder (SVR), the cameras set to record to the SVR will continue to record as long as both units are powered and are still connected to the local Wi-Fi network (assuming the router is still functional). You won’t be able to view the footage from the SVR until the Internet is operational.
What happens when the phone line goes down?
What happens when the phone line goes down?
If you’re on our cellular-based system, you don’t need to worry about phone line outages as the security system is not tied to it. If you’re unsure whether you have a cellular-based system, please contact us at 1 800 267-2001.
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